Japan state secrecy law

Japan’s Controversial State Secrets Law: One Year Later
By Mina Pollmann
A year after the state secrets law passed, what impact is it having on freedom in Japan?

Japan's Troubling State Secrets Law Takes Effect
By Mina Pollmann
The state secrets law, passed despite public opposition, provides little oversight or accountability.

Japan’s State Secret Law Unmolested
By Clint Richards
Civil society and a fractured opposition are unable to influence the government’s new power.

Which Security Gains Will Japan Enshrine This Year?
By Clint Richards
Despite an absence of legislation, Abe will be making two key security moves this fall.

Japan’s Evolving Security Architecture
By Sebastian Maslow
The East Asia crisis gives Shinzo Abe the momentum to advance sweeping changes to Japan’s national security policy.
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