Japan stock market

Amid Geopolitical Concerns, US Capital Flows From China to Japan
By Grace Shao
While China’s global growth story is hitting a rough patch, in Asia, we’ve now officially entered the era of Japan’s revitalization.

Understanding the Paradox of Japan’s Economy
By Zhihai XIE
Even while Japan loses ground relative to other advanced economies, its stock market is soaring.

Tokyo Global Financial Center Under the Spotlight Again
By Sayuri Shirai
What does Japan need to do to make Tokyo a true global financial center?

The Great De-Privatization: From Japan Inc. to Inc. Japan
By Markus Winter
Driven by quantitative easing, the ownership structure of Japan’s stock market is undergoing fundamental change.

2014: Investors’ Year of Living Dangerously
By Anthony Fensom
With the Fed taper set to begin, how will the region’s bourses perform next year?
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