
4 Signs Japan-South Korea Ties Aren’t Improving
By Yong Kwon
South Korea’s next ambassador to Japan will have a difficult job.

Japan's Most Famous Battleship: The Yamato
By Robert Farley
No battleship became a cultural icon in the same way that the Imperial Japanese Navy's Yamato did.

The Benefits of a Sluggish Pivot to Asia
By Ankit Panda
Sure, the U.S. pivot to Asia is slower than expected, but that's a good thing.

Would You Like an F-35 With Your Aegis?
By Zachary Keck
It’s no coincidence that the Asian nations with Aegis combat systems are also the ones buying the F-35.

Japan’s Popularity Continues to Plummet
By Zachary Keck
A new poll finds Japan increasingly unpopular, but not as unpopular as nuclear-armed nations.

Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous
By Dingding Chen
Japan’s attempts to assemble an anti-China coalition in the region are dangerous and misguided.

To Lead In Asia, Japan Must Take China to Court
By Zachary Keck
Acknowledging the Senkaku dispute and appealing to international law would benefit both Japan and ASEAN.

N. Korea Won’t Cause a Nuclear Domino in Asia (But China Might)
By Zachary Keck
If there is a nuclear arms race in Asia, China's conventional military power will be to blame.

China and Japan Battle for Russia’s Allegiance
By Zachary Keck
Russia’s importance and non-alignment has Tokyo and Beijing competing for its hearts and minds.

Modi is NOT India’s Shinzo Abe
By Jeffrey W. Hornung and Shyam Tekwani
Despite obvious similarities, Modi and Abe differ substantially. Still, Indo-Japanese ties will flourish under them.

How Japan and North Korea ‘Use’ Each Other
By Zachary Keck
Both North Korean and Japan use each other primarily to posture towards third parties.

Sony to Diversify Amid Renewed Losses
By Clint Richards
Can fresh board members and a transition into new markets be enough to save a premier Japanese brand?