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Can North Korea be Trusted?

Can North Korea be Trusted?

The North Korea deal suggests a gradual shift in policy. But history suggests caution is warranted.

The Militarization of Paradise?

The Militarization of Paradise?

The Indian Ocean archipelago of Socotra is often described as an alien-looking paradise on earth. It also happens to be of immense strategic value to the U.S. and Asian nations.

The J-League and the Tsunami

The J-League and the Tsunami

As the J-League begins, it’s worth remembering how Japan’s football players stepped up after the tsunami.

What Japan Must Do Now

What Japan Must Do Now

Japan has made extraordinary progress in recovering from last year’s earthquake and tsunami. But will political bickering stop progress in its tracks?

Why China, India Clash

Why China, India Clash

Tensions between India and China are about more than specific bilateral disputes. Expect more to come.

Children of the Tsunami

Children of the Tsunami

A year after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, Japanese children display remarkable resilience.

Mongolia Eyes Nuclear Ties

Mongolia Eyes Nuclear Ties

Mongolia’s courtship of Japan’s nuclear industry isn’t a new development. But it will intensify next week.

India, China and the Pirates

India, China and the Pirates

An agreement between China, India and Japan to coordinate over combating piracy in the Gulf of Aden is an encouraging sign of military cooperation. But it’s no panacea.

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s air force has indicated it’s interested in buying the Su-35 fighter from Russia. What does Russia think?

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s Sukhoi Submission

China’s air force has indicated it’s interested in buying the Su-35 fighter from Russia. What does Russia think?

Japan Wary Over North Korea

Japan Wary Over North Korea

Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba offers a lukewarm reception for North Korea’s deal with the U.S.

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks

Governments in Asia may see patriotic hackers as the answer to their cyber vulnerabilities. But cyber militias will likely only destabilize the region.

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