India, South Korea Ink N-Deal
The nuclear deal between South Korea and India reflects Seoul’s determination to ramp up its nuclear industry.

A Navy’s Vital Silent Service
Submariners may be the ‘silent service,’ but they’re also essential for forces like the Taiwanese Navy.

A Navy’s Vital Silent Service
Submariners may be the ‘silent service,’ but they’re also essential for forces like the Taiwanese Navy.

Japan's Cybercrime Problem
Cyber criminals have been quick to exploit the March 11 earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan.

Japan Courts South America
With growing concerns over its energy security, Japan is increasingly looking at MERCOSUR as an alternative to nuclear power and the Middle East.
China Confirms Carrier Plans
China confirms details of the refitting of its first aircraft carrier the Shi Lang, and plans to develop its own vessel.

China's Zero-Sum Game
Comparative quiet in China’s neighbourhood has given it the chance to rise peacefully. Will it keep flexing its muscles?

Obama’s China Re-Balancing Act
The US must be careful not to make China feel like it is being contained. A mix of co-operation and balancing is a much better course.

Chinese Foreign Policy After Hu
Will the upcoming change in Chinese leadership prompt a dramatic shift in China’s foreign policy? History suggests it could.

Fukushima and Cultural Superiority
As the nuclear crisis is dissected by commentators, some have turned to cultural stereotypes to explain the problems. It’s a dangerous approach.

Time for Futenma Rethink
With little local support, it’s time for a rethink of the current plan to relocate US forces in Japan.

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future
Any big shift from nuclear power will take years. It’s time for Japan’s politicians to show some leadership to ensure the country’s reactors get back online.