
Why Aren’t Japanese Protesting?
Despite the unpopularity of Naoto Kan and his government, the Japanese public has remained relatively quiet.

Japan’s TPP Short-Termism
Japan’s government has again deferred a decision on a key trade pact. The delays are hurting the country.

Trilateral Maritime Partners?
The Philippines has the potential to be a key maritime partner for Japan and the United States.

How China Gains from Fukushima
By Saurav Jha

The Great Power-Saving Nation?
Signs of energy conservation can be seen all over Tokyo. Could Japan become a model for low consumption?

Japan’s Area-Denial Strategy
With an eye on China’s military, Japan is best served by an asymmetric approach to its sea defences.
Al-Qaeda’s Loss is Japan’s Gain
Terrorism might not be Japan’s top international concern. Still, Osama bin Laden’s death is welcome.
Al-Qaeda’s Loss is Japan’s Gain
Terrorism might not be Japan’s top international concern. Still, Osama bin Laden’s death is welcome.

Fixing Japan’s Fiscal Mess
Massively indebted, Japan needs new funds to pay for recovery efforts and kick-start its economy. It’s time to be innovative.

North Korea Readying New Surprise?
With US attention focused on the Arab World and Pakistan, will Kim Jong-il spring another attention seeking nuclear surprise?

What Future for Japan?
The Tohoku earthquake in March was a devastating blow for Japan. But could it spark a national renewal?

When Disaster Isn’t a Zero-Sum Game
It would be tempting for Japan to withdraw inward following last month’s earthquake and tsunami. So far, though, its leaders have resisted.