
India’s Once & Future Sea Power
Does India have a grand maritime narrative? Its navy will be disadvantaged if strategy is devised on the hoof.

The Limits of Disaster Diplomacy
Hopes that the Tohoku earthquake in Japan could lead to closer ties between China and Japan look premature.

Japan's New Deal Opportunity
As it recovers from disaster, Japan has a huge chance to tackle issues vital to its future security. But it will need leadership from the next generation.

Asia-Pacific’s Annus Horribilis
Massive flooding, a cyclone, catastrophic earthquakes and a nuclear crisis—there are plenty of lessons for Asia-Pacific leaders to learn.

China's Earthquake Response
The reaction to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan has been mostly sympathetic.
Nuclear Crisis in Perspective
As Japan grapples with a nuclear incident following Friday’s earthquake, it’s important not to rush to judgement.
Nuclear Crisis in Perspective
As Japan grapples with a nuclear incident following Friday’s earthquake, it’s important not to rush to judgement.
China, Japan Fated for Conflict?
Two recent incidents underscore the ongoing tensions between Japan and China. How will Japan respond?

Getting Real About Taiwan
Bartering Taiwan for better ties with China is a mistake. Ambitious powers see such concessions as an appetizer, not dessert.
China Military Spending Up 12.7%
Chinese defence spending is back to double-digit growth. Neighbours Japan and South Korea will likely be nervous.

Grappling With a MAD Space Future
Its new space strategy calls for the US to reach out to allies in Asia. But will differences with China undermine progress?

Pentagon Turns Eyes Toward Asia
The new US military strategy underscores the challenge of a rising China. But there’s more to the plans than just more hardware spending.