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Tricky Kuril Ties

Russia and Japan must resolve the Kuril Islands/Northern Territories issue if they want to build closer strategic ties.

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Explaining Kim Jong-il’s Tantrums

Frozen out of talks and wanting attention, the Kim regime made a calculated decision to up the ante in 2010, Weston Konishi tells The Diplomat.

Mapping Asia’s Nuclear Future

The New START has entered into force. It’s now time for Asian nations to step up and help tackle the nuclear threat, says Richard Weitz.

Space Awareness

Space Awareness

As the United States develops its ‘space awareness’ does it risk efforts at building trust with China?

China, Japan Eye Maritime Talks

Will plans for maritime talks between top Chinese and Japanese officials help avoid spats over the Senkaku Islands?

Head Games in Maritime Asia

Head Games in Maritime Asia

Winning the battle of perceptions could be crucial for those countries eyeing mastery of the seas in Asia.

US-Japan Pow Wow on China

Japan’s Seiji Maehara gets a warm welcome in Washington. He’s always a popular man with defence hawks here.

Boys Toys vs. Geography

Does geography trump military hardware when trying to understand China’s naval potential?

US Navy’s Indian Ocean Folly?

US Navy’s Indian Ocean Folly?

Maritime strategy seems increasingly focused on the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. It risks leaving the Navy vulnerable in the Pacific.

Time to Sell Latest F-16 to Taiwan

Time to Sell Latest F-16 to Taiwan

Taiwan won’t ever get F-22s. But the US should sell it the latest F-16 fighter to balance Chinese aircraft purchases.

China's Welcome Backtracking?

After a year of tension with its neighbours, is China starting to soften its foreign policy and military tone?

Towering Ambition in Malaysia

Towering Ambition in Malaysia

Are plans for a new 100-storey skyscraper a sign of strength or weakness? Either way, they make little economic sense.

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