Japanese Diet

Power and Money in Japanese Politics
By Daisuke Akimoto
What the annual income and terms of office for Japanese lawmakers tell us about bribery and corruption in the Diet.

Liberal Gender Equality Bill Passed in Conservative Japan
By Kirara Tsutsui
Voters must now step up to address Japan's political gender gap.

Abe Makes a Surprise Appearance, Hails 45 Years of Japan-China Relations
By Charlotte Gao
Abe was the first Japanese PM in 15 years to attend the Chinese embassy in Tokyo's National Day celebration.

Abe Dissolves the Diet, Snap Elections Set for October
By Zachary Torrey
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is capitalizing on his recently higher approval ratings to renew his party's mandate.

Japan Moves (Slowly) Toward Electoral Reform
By Mina Pollmann
Prime Minister Abe has pushed forward the timetable for reform, but critics say his plan doesn't go far enough.

How Does Japan's LDP Plan to Pass Security Reform?
By Mina Pollmann
With the 60-day rule, the Diet juggles technicalities and the LDP presses forward its bill reinterpreting Article 9.
Have Aliens Tried to Invade Japan?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan's Defense Minister faced unusual questions from a lawmaker this week.

Japan’s State Secret Law Unmolested
By Clint Richards
Civil society and a fractured opposition are unable to influence the government’s new power.

Shinzo Abe’s Big Plans for the Coming Diet Session
By Clint Richards
The Japanese prime minister has his eye on tax reform and Japan’s looming population crisis.

The Day After Abe’s Panel Report on Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
The LDP has made its case for collective self-defense. Will coalition partner New Komeito influence the process?
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