Japanese Self-Defense Forces

Matching Japan’s Counterstrike Capability With South Korea’s Three Axis System
By Ju Hyung Kim
Integrating Japan’s counterstrike capability with South Korea’s Three Axis system could strengthen the security of both countries.

Japan’s New Security Strategy, Part 1: The Historical Context
By Pascal Lottaz
Since the end of World War II, Japan has been struggling to strike the right balance between pacifism and productive security engagement with the world.

Japan to Receive 4 New V-22 Osprey Aircraft
By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. defense contractor Boeing has been awarded a $545 million contract for the delivery of 4 V-22 aircraft to Japan.

Japan's Military Gets New Rules of Engagement
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The United States and Japan are also working on a new joint action plan for the defense of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

Japan's Improbable Military Resurgence
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japanese militarism was buried for good in August 1945 and likely will not rise again.

How Does Japan's LDP Plan to Pass Security Reform?
By Mina Pollmann
With the 60-day rule, the Diet juggles technicalities and the LDP presses forward its bill reinterpreting Article 9.

Roadmap for Futenma: Operationalizing the New US-Japan Defense Guidelines
By Will Atkins
Three ways to put the concepts outlined in the new Guidelines into practice.

Meet Japan’s Newest Aircraft for Defending the Senkaku Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. State Department just approved a $3 billion arms deal with Japan.

How Do the United States and Japan See Each Other?
By Ankit Panda
A new study sheds light on public attitudes in the United States and Japan.

Russia Considers a Fighters-For-Food Deal with Argentina
By Ankit Panda
Plus, Indian defense coproduction, India-Pakistan relations, the JSDF in 2015, and more. Year-end links.

Aquino Shows Support for Japan in the South China Sea
By Clint Richards
The Philippines is seeking to indirectly link its territorial problems with Japanese normalization.

Abe’s Collective Self-Defense Cabinet Approval Imminent
By Clint Richards
A new government draft has garnered coalition support, and could be approved as early as next week.
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