Jasmine Rallies

Why Jasmine Died in China
Fear, lack of information and a government crackdown killed the chances of a Jasmine Revolution here.

What Next for Ai Weiwei?
Detained artist Ai Weiwei has been allowed to see his wife. But the authorities are staying quiet.

Hyde Park, China Style
Red songs are a common sound in Beijing’s Jingshan Park. Is this a new centre for freedom of expression here?

Ai Weiwei, Bob Dylan and Dignity
Ai Weiwei’s detention is a reminder of the Chinese government’s disregard for human dignity, says Michael Mazza.

Chinese Media’s Ostrich Policy
Concerned about the public drawing parallels, China’s govt wants reporting, not analysis, of unrest in the Arab world.

Chinese Media’s Ostrich Policy
Concerned about the public drawing parallels, China’s govt wants reporting, not analysis, of unrest in the Arab world.

China Not Ready for Jasmine?
A new Pew Research poll suggests there’s no appetite for revolution in China, crackdown or not.

Ai Weiwei and Colour Crackdowns
The recent crackdown on activists by Chinese authorities is reminiscent of the last set of colour revolutions.

Ai Weiwei Held in Crackdown
Artist Ai Weiwei is detained as part of what some say is the biggest crackdown on activists in China in a decade.