Jejomar Binay

Philippine Midterm Elections: A Crucial Referendum on Duterte’s Presidency
By Jim Gomez
The polls will not only shed light on what voters think of his performance thus far, but could also shape how the rest of his single six-year term plays out.

The Philippines: the Elections, the Alliance, and a Rising Power
By Charmaine Misalucha-Willoughby
How will the upcoming Philippine elections impact the country’s foreign policy trajectory?

How Will the Philippines Presidential Election Transform the Country?
By Joshua Kurlantzick
How would the candidates handle the significant challenges that still confront the country?

The Race for the Philippine Presidency Has Begun
By Mong Palatino
A closer look at the four major candidates ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

The Geopolitical Stakes of the 2016 Philippine Elections
By Jeffrey Ordaniel
The outcome of next year’s presidential election will have significant implications for the country’s foreign policy.

Philippine Midterm Polls Give Preview of 2016 Presidential Race
Judging by surveys, Philippine political dynasties are on good footing leading up to midterm elections.
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