
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)

The Ulu Tiram Attack: Inspiration for Terror in Malaysia

The Ulu Tiram Attack: Inspiration for Terror in Malaysia

By Zam Yusa
It appears that the Ulu Tiram attack was inspired by Jamaah Ansharut Daulah, but the suspects were not formally affiliated with or directed by the group. 
The IS Resurgence in Malaysia: Assessing the Threat and Implications

The IS Resurgence in Malaysia: Assessing the Threat and Implications

By Rueben Dass
An attack in Johor, and a recent string of arrests, has once against cast a spotlight on the militant group's activities.

Central Sulawesi and Central Java Continue to be JI Strongholds

Central Sulawesi and Central Java Continue to be JI Strongholds

By Adlini Ilma Ghaisany Sjah
Jemaah Islamiyah remains the most active terrorist organization in Indonesia, even as its priority has shifted to preaching rather than conducting direct attacks.

Jemaah Islamiyah Is Not Back After Malaysia Attack

Jemaah Islamiyah Is Not Back After Malaysia Attack

By Aisyah Llewellyn
The recent attack on a police station in Johor State bears all the hallmarks of a lone-wolf attack.

The Ulu Tiram Attack and the Jemaah Islamiyah Threat in Malaysia

The Ulu Tiram Attack and the Jemaah Islamiyah Threat in Malaysia

By Bilveer Singh
The shock attack suggests that JI retains a presence in Malaysia, despite years of crackdowns by the state.
Indonesian Election Shows Advances In Deradicalization Methods

Indonesian Election Shows Advances In Deradicalization Methods

By Aisyah Llewellyn
A number of former members of the extremist group Jemaah Islamiyah cast their votes in last week's election, some for the first time.

Two Malaysian Men Sentenced to 23 Years Prison For Bali Bombing

Two Malaysian Men Sentenced to 23 Years Prison For Bali Bombing

By Aisyah Llewellyn
However, the sentences given to Mohammed Farik bin Amin and Mohammed Nazir bin Lep are far from the full story.
Is Indonesia at Risk of Terror Attacks During the Presidential Election?

Is Indonesia at Risk of Terror Attacks During the Presidential Election?

By Aisyah Llewellyn
The country's extremist networks remain extant, but are much less capable of large-scale attacks than they were two decades ago.

Addressing Jemaah Islamiyah’s Infrastructure in Sulawesi

Addressing Jemaah Islamiyah’s Infrastructure in Sulawesi

By Alif Satria
Despite aggressive counterterrorism efforts, Sulawesi still plays an important role for JI as a venue for key fundraising, membership training, and preaching.

Recent Arrest Puts Jemaah Islamiyah Back in the Spotlight

Recent Arrest Puts Jemaah Islamiyah Back in the Spotlight

By Rakyan Adibrata and Jasminder Singh
An arrest last year demonstrates that JI's network has expanded considerably, despite the extremist group's recent period of dormancy.

Is Abu Bakar Bashir Really Walking Away From Violent Extremism?

Is Abu Bakar Bashir Really Walking Away From Violent Extremism?

By Bilveer Singh
The former JI leader recently pledged his loyalty to the Indonesian state, but there are reasons to question the sincerity of his conversion.
As Southeast Asia Reopens, Will Transnational Terrorism Return?

As Southeast Asia Reopens, Will Transnational Terrorism Return?

By Kenneth Yeo
Terrorism in the region has plummeted amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Will reopened borders lead to a resurgence in terrorist networks?

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