Jimmy Carter

Carter’s Complicated Cambodia Legacy
By Bryanna Entwistle
The late president has been praised for placing human rights at the forefront of U.S. policy, but his Cold War maneuvering was marked by a familiar double standard.

How Jimmy Carter Stopped the Second Korean War
By Joel S. Wit
In the summer of 1994, war on the Korean Peninsula seemed inevitable. Then Carter and his wife arrived in Pyongyang.

Jimmy Carter’s Nepal Connection
By Birat Anupam
The former U.S. President was the highest-ranking American leader to advocate for the de-listing of the Maoists as a terrorist group.

How Jimmy Carter’s Legacy Could Impact Trump’s China Policy
By Jiachen Shi
Carter’s enduring legacy in China-U.S. relations is poised to influence Trump’s China policy across economic, military, and diplomatic dimensions.

Lessons We Can Learn Today From President Carter’s Legacy on China
By Stephen Orlins
Despite significant domestic opposition, Carter made a bold decision that helped keep the peace in Asia for the next 40 years.

Jimmy Carter: China's Only US Ally on North Korea?
By Charlotte Gao
Chinese foreign ministry quotes Carter who suggests the US send a delegation to Pyongyang

Time for Jimmy Carter to Go Back to North Korea
By Marcus Holmes and Nicholas J. Wheeler
The United States should remember how it solved the last major North Korea crisis: with face-to-face diplomacy.

Evolution of the U.S.-ROK Alliance: Abandonment Fears
By Leon Whyte
South Korea has at times had reason to fear the strength of its alliance with the United States. Part II in a series.

North Korea’s Curious Detainee Release
By Clint Richards
Why has Pyongyang decided to free Jeffrey Fowle now?
From Prisoner Release to Normal Links with North Korea?
By Walter C. Clemens, Jr.
Why Washington should seek a grand bargain with North Korea.

In Praise of Special Envoys
By Richard Weitz
Despite Jimmy Carter’s failure in North Korea, there’s room in US foreign policy for special envoys. Including Bill Clinton.
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