
China Conducts First Test of New JL-3 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile
By Ankit Panda
China’s nuclear modernization continues with the first known test of its next-generation SLBM.

A Closer Look at China's Critical South China Sea Submarine Base
By Damen Cook
A deeper look at Yulin-East, China's burgeoning submarine bastion in the South China Sea.

The Indian Ocean Won't Be a 'Nuclear Free Zone' Anytime Soon
By Ankit Panda
Undersea nuclear deterrence in the Indian Ocean is here to stay.

Credible Chinese Undersea Nuclear Deterrent is Imminent
The PLAN’s Type 094 Jin-class submarines will be capable of delivering nuclear JL-2s.
State Media Boasts of China’s Ability to Nuke US Cities
China’s state media reportedly boasted that Beijing can kill millions of Americans with its new SLBM.
China Showcases Nuclear Submarine Fleet
This weekend Chinese state-run media outlets touted the growing might of China’s nuclear submarine fleet.

Coming Soon? China’s JL-2 Sub-Launched Ballistic Missile
In the 1950s China set out to acquire a sea-based nuclear deterrent. Next year, it may succeed.
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