
Joseph Nye

Interview: Joseph Nye

Interview: Joseph Nye

By Emanuel Pastreich
“The U.S. and China are deeply entangled, and that state is largely a good thing.”

Mearsheimer vs. Nye on the Rise of China

Mearsheimer vs. Nye on the Rise of China

By Bill Callahan
John Mearsheimer and Joseph S. Nye Jr. on the rise of China and America's engagement policy.
Interview: Joseph Nye

Interview: Joseph Nye

By Samuel Ramani
Author and political scientist Joseph Nye on China and the U.S. rebalance to Asia.

China’s Soft Power Obsession

By Xie Tao
China needs to rethink its quest for soft power.

Sun Tzu and the Art of Soft Power?

Sun Tzu and the Art of Soft Power?

By Leon Whyte
China (and others) are increasingly referencing Sun Tzu as a source of soft power.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

A Revolving Door Era for China?

A Revolving Door Era for China?

By Wang Shichen
Interdisciplinary experience would benefit both scholars and diplomats, but there are some hurdles to clear.

Xi’s Transformational Diplomacy and Strategic Competence

Xi’s Transformational Diplomacy and Strategic Competence

By Vasilis Trigkas
Xi is harnessing China’s growing strength for a peaceful ascendance as a rising global power.
China and Nation Branding

China and Nation Branding

By Nicholas Dynon
Beijing’s “all-culture” focus is delivering a poor return on its soft power investment.

Can America Build “Coalitions of the Willing?”

Can America Build “Coalitions of the Willing?”

Joe Nye has outlined a cogent view of the future. Now we need a roadmap to get there.

The Cult of Transformational Leadership

The Cult of Transformational Leadership

Good leadership in this century may or may not be transformational but it is important to start with the Hippocratic oath: first, do no harm.

Three Reasons Why China Isn't Imperial Germany (It's Tougher)

Three Reasons Why China Isn't Imperial Germany (It's Tougher)

“The weak can offset the advantages enjoyed by the strong…”

The Interview: Joseph S. Nye

The Interview: Joseph S. Nye

Will China change its stance on Syria or in the South China Sea? What is the future of cyberwarfare? Can America’s shift to the Pacific find success?

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