Julie Bishop
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Australia Out of Step With Asia on Israel-Palestine
By Jarni Blakkarly
Canberra’s strong and vocal support for Israel has it at odds with many of its neighbors.

Australia Pushing for UN resolution on MH17
By Jarni Blakkarly
The country is outraged over the downing of the plane, which has left 28 Australians dead.

Australia and Japan’s ‘Special Relationship'
By Kevin Placek
Abe’s visit looks set to bolster bilateral ties on both the economic and defense fronts.

Julie Bishop’s Forward-Looking Trip to Myanmar
By Kevin Placek
Australia has been stepping up its engagement with the emerging Southeast Asian country.

Australia’s ‘New Aid Paradigm’
By Kevin Placek
Australia’s foreign minister seeks to redefine the nature and direction of the country’s aid policy.

Abe Gets a Boost for Article 9 Rewrite
By Clint Richards
Coalition partner New Komeito and regional allies show support for more involvement in regional security.

The National Security Implications of Cutting Australia’s ODA
By William Cuming
The government is underestimating the role overseas development aid plays in security.

Australia: Mending Ties With Indonesia
By Kevin Placek
While Abbott and Yudhoyono take the first steps in repairing frayed relations.

Australia in China’s Century
By Kevin Placek
Australian government and business leaders gather to discuss the country’s growing interests in China.

Australia’s Ambitious Free Trade Agenda
Canberra wants to conclude deals with three East Asian giants, starting with Korea. It faces some significant hurdles.

Australia’s Delicate China-Japan Balancing Act
Australia has endorsed Abe’s proposed defense reforms, but hopes to avoid upsetting China.
Australia’s Third Way Nonsense
Australia doesn’t have to choose between China and the U.S., Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop tells The Diplomat. And nor is conflict with China inevitable.
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