
Kazakhstan coronavirus

Kazakhstan’s Former Health Minister Accuses ‘Medical Mafia’ of Meddling

Kazakhstan’s Former Health Minister Accuses ‘Medical Mafia’ of Meddling

By Paolo Sorbello
The trial of the former health minister could shed light on the direction of “New Kazakhstan.” 

Vaccinations Progress Slowly in Central Asia

Vaccinations Progress Slowly in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
For myriad reasons, vaccination programs in Central Asia are proceeding slowly. Hesitancy is one factor.
Vaccine Diplomacy in Central Asia: Russia vs. China?

Vaccine Diplomacy in Central Asia: Russia vs. China?

By Catherine Putz
Can “vaccine diplomacy” change any minds in Central Asia when it comes to the Russia vs. China equation?

Kazakh Activist’s ‘Fake News’ Conviction Upheld

Kazakh Activist’s ‘Fake News’ Conviction Upheld

By Catherine Putz
What concerns the Kazakh government isn’t “fake news” but its own fear that incompetence, pointed out, will undermine the current power structures.

Kazakhstan Settles Deal With Russia for Vaccine Supply

Kazakhstan Settles Deal With Russia for Vaccine Supply

By Catherine Putz
Russia's vaccine has not completed critically important phase III trials, but Kazakhstan has made a deal for access if Sputnik V proves effective.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China Changes Diplomatic Styles in Central Asia Over COVID-19

China Changes Diplomatic Styles in Central Asia Over COVID-19

By Umida Hashimova
Why is China rushing to comment on domestic COVID-19 developments in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan?

Under COVID-19, Domestic Violence Intensifies in Kazakhstan 

Under COVID-19, Domestic Violence Intensifies in Kazakhstan 

By Assem Almukhanbetkyzy and Kristi Eaton
As has been observed elsewhere in the world, quarantines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a spike in domestic violence incidents.
How Data Doomed Central Asia’s COVID-19 Responses

How Data Doomed Central Asia’s COVID-19 Responses

By Catherine Putz
As the saying goes, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Kazakhstan’s COVID-19 Crisis Spinning on

Kazakhstan’s COVID-19 Crisis Spinning on

By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan has extended its second lockdown through the end of July and media have begun to compile lists of the dead.

China Missteps With Wild Allegation of a ‘New’ Deadly Pneumonia in Kazakhstan

China Missteps With Wild Allegation of a ‘New’ Deadly Pneumonia in Kazakhstan

By Tristan Kenderdine
Fortunately for the world, there is no new plague coming out of Kazakhstan. 

Misinformation and Conspiracies Spread While Kazakhstan Reimposes Lockdown

Misinformation and Conspiracies Spread While Kazakhstan Reimposes Lockdown

By Anastassiya Fershtey
Kazakhstan, while also seeing a rapid rise on COVID-19 cases, has been hit with a storm of conspiracy theories.
Kazakhstan Locks Down, Again, as COVID-19 Cases Rise

Kazakhstan Locks Down, Again, as COVID-19 Cases Rise

By Catherine Putz
On Sunday, Nur-Sultan imposed a second nation-wide lockdown in hopes of getting a grip on soaring case numbers.

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