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Kazakhstan Appoints a New-Old Government

Kazakhstan Appoints a New-Old Government

By Paolo Sorbello
After the abrupt firing of the Kazakh government last week, a new cabinet was immediately approved.
In Central Asia, Politics By Way of Social Media

In Central Asia, Politics By Way of Social Media

By Colleen Wood
New research on youth in Central Asia attempts to untangle young people’s political attitudes and preferences on their own terms.

Nazarbayev Fired the Kazakh Government

Nazarbayev Fired the Kazakh Government

By Catherine Putz
The Kazakh president told his government to resign following public protests in the capital in recent weeks.

How Costly is Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy?

How Costly is Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy?

By Khamza Sharifzoda and Anuar Temirov
As Astana seeks to increase its global standing, its foreign aid expenditures have grown.

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles: Central Asia Is Reconnecting With Itself

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles: Central Asia Is Reconnecting With Itself

By Austen Dowell
Mapping newly created, resurrected, and proposed transport routes across Central Asia provides insight into regional connectivity drives.
Finding Kazakhstan’s Troll Farms

Finding Kazakhstan’s Troll Farms

By Nazira Kozhanova
Nurbots fill comment sections across the Kazakh internet. They may not be convincing but they pollute online discourse.

Why Do We Watch the Shuffling of Officials in Central Asia So Closely?

Why Do We Watch the Shuffling of Officials in Central Asia So Closely?

By Catherine Putz
In one day, out the next -- what does the shuffling of officials in Central Asia really tell us?
Life in the Closet: The LGBT Community in Central Asia

Life in the Closet: The LGBT Community in Central Asia

By Anastassiya Fershtey and Khamza Sharifzoda
Sexual minorities in Central Asia live under significant pressure.

Sarah Cameron: Famine and Unimaginable Sorrow in Soviet Kazakhstan

Sarah Cameron: Famine and Unimaginable Sorrow in Soviet Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
A discussion of Soviet policy, a devastating famine, and the making of Kazakhstan.

Uzbek and Kazakh Leaders Seek Greater Investment

Uzbek and Kazakh Leaders Seek Greater Investment

By Umida Hashimova
Leaders of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan both order their officials to attract foreign investments.

Can a ‘Silk Visa’ Boost Tourism in Central Asia?

Can a ‘Silk Visa’ Boost Tourism in Central Asia?

By Khamza Sharifzoda
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are expected to introduce a common visa, a boon to travelers in the region.
Bar Brawl Death Touches Off Caustic Ethnic Tension Debate in Kazakhstan

Bar Brawl Death Touches Off Caustic Ethnic Tension Debate in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
The facts of the initial fight, in which a young man was killed, have been entirely eclipsed by the politics of nationalism.

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