
Killing Fields

Al Rockoff Tells It Like It Was

Al Rockoff Tells It Like It Was

Photojournalist Al Rockoff recounts the dramatic overtaking of Phnom Penh at the historic Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

Chilling Evidence in Khmer Rouge Trial

Chilling Evidence in Khmer Rouge Trial

“He described how, as a trainee, he was forced to stand and watch…”

A Bitter-Sweet Duch Ruling

A Bitter-Sweet Duch Ruling

The extension of the sentence of Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, to life is welcome. But it’s a hollow victory.

Duch Appeal Nixed

Duch Appeal Nixed

Kaing Guek Eav, commandant of the S21 death camp, will now spend the rest of his life in jail.

Khmer Rouge: It was Vietnam!

Khmer Rouge: It was Vietnam!

Nuon Chea takes the stand at the trial of former Khmer Rouge leaders – and makes clear his hatred of Vietnam.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Khmer Rouge Horrors Laid Out

Khmer Rouge Horrors Laid Out

As the trial of three surviving leaders of Pol Pot’s regime begins, the court hears a long list of alleged horrors.

“Killing Fields” Trial Ready to Go

“Killing Fields” Trial Ready to Go

Pol Pot’s surviving lieutenants are about to get their day in court. But will a much-criticized process be able to bring Cambodians the justice they’re searching for?

Death of a Cambodian

Death of a Cambodian

The death of Vann Nath, who survived the full horror of Pol Pot’s regime, is a huge loss for Cambodia.

Khmer Rouge Trial Takes Shape

Khmer Rouge Trial Takes Shape

The initial hearings in Cambodia’s Case 002 have closed. The lines of defence to be employed by the four accused of involvement in genocide are becoming clear.

Cambodia Primed for the Main Event

Cambodia Primed for the Main Event

Decades after the horrors of the Killing Fields, many Cambodians hope Case 002 can finally offer justice to the memory of those killed by the Khmer Rouge.

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