Kim Dae-jung

Some China Contacts With Henry Kissinger
By Jerome A. Cohen
Dr. Jerome Cohen offers his personal experiences interacting with Kissinger on China issues – with all the complexity that involved.

When 'Sunshine' Ruled on the Korean Peninsula
By Felix Abt
Remembering a period of unprecedented cooperation between the two Koreas, despite being technically still at war.
Symbol of Inter-Korean Reconciliation Visits North Korea
By John Power
Can the wife of former president Kim Dae-jung spark a breakthrough in inter-Korean relations?

Could South Korea's 'Scotland' Force Political Change?
By Steven Denney
South Korea's liberal party is losing support in its traditional stronghold. Can NPAD remake itself?

What’s Wrong With South Korea’s Liberals?
By Steven Denney
Park’s government is vulnerable, but the country’s liberal opposition is not inspiring much confidence. Why?
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