
Kim Jong-un

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North Korea Jeopardizes Deal

North Korea Jeopardizes Deal

North Korea’s vow to launch a satellite could jeopardize a food aid deal. But famine isn’t the only problem.

How to Stop Kim’s "Satellite" Test

North Korea’s promise to launch a satellite has prompted international condemnation. But the U.S. and others have options available to stop it.

Obama Talks Tough on North Korea

Obama Talks Tough on North Korea

Barack Obama issues a stern warning over North Korea’s planned satellite test scheduled for next month.

North Korea and a Nuclear Summit

North Korea and a Nuclear Summit

North Korea has been excluded from next week’s nuclear summit in Seoul. Maybe it should have been invited.

Coup Rumors in China

Coup Rumors in China

China’s Internet has been abuzz with rumors of a coup. It’s unlikely, but still highlights real tensions in Beijing.

North Korea's Satellite Vow

North Korea's Satellite Vow

North Korea plans to launch a satellite into orbit next month. Would the move scupper its deal with the U.S.?

Japan Eyes North Korea Sanctions

Japan Eyes North Korea Sanctions

Despite the deal between the U.S. and North Korea, Japan wants to extend sanctions on the Jong-un regime.

Can North Korea be Trusted?

Can North Korea be Trusted?

The North Korea deal suggests a gradual shift in policy. But history suggests caution is warranted.

A North Korean Refugee Dilemma

A North Korean Refugee Dilemma

China says they are migrants, and the U.N. refers to them as detained. Either way, fleeing North Koreans could face forced labor or execution if sent back.

The Leap Day Deal’s Mixed Bag

The Leap Day Deal’s Mixed Bag

The deal reached this week between the U.S. and North Korea is a step forward. But North Korea is well aware of the power of its deterrent.

Playing Politics on North Korea

Playing Politics on North Korea

Yesterday’s U.S. deal with North Korea has plenty of people talking. It would be better if some weren’t.

North Korea: Tactics vs Strategy

The deal between the U.S. and North Korea was a good tactical step. But a strategic approach is needed.

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