Kofi Annan

Can Kofi Annan’s Commission Solve the Rohingya Conundrum?
By Nehginpao Kipgen
A new advisory commission, led by Annan, will seek a lasting solution to tensions in Rakhine state.

In 2005 Letter, Hagel Asked UN Chief to Condemn Iran's "Anti-Semitism"
Despite being called an anti-Semite, past actions may prove otherwise.

America and Iran Square Off Over Syria
Washington has seen all roads in Damascus as leading through Tehran. Why time and compromise could lead to a deal that saves lives.

Lightly Arming Syrian Opposition is U.S.’ Best Option
Providing light anti-tank weaponry and non-lethal support for the opposition could help end the violence in Syria.

Fear of Iran and Syrian Bloodletting
Meir Javedanfar looks at how Western sanctions on Iran are enabling violence in Syria to continue.
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