

Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Elections

Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Elections

By Yoshiyuki Ogasawara
Incumbent Tsai Ing-wen has enjoyed a resurgence in support. Here’s why.

Taiwan Calls for New Cross-Strait Relations After Xi’s Strong Speech

Taiwan Calls for New Cross-Strait Relations After Xi’s Strong Speech

By Charlotte Gao
China's president pressed Taiwan’s government to recognize the “1992 Consensus” at the 19th Party Congress.
What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?

What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?

By Benjamin David Baker
What would China’s history look like if Chiang Kai-shek had ignored George C. Marshall’s request in 1946?

The Strange Case of the KMT’s Hung Hsiu-chu

The Strange Case of the KMT’s Hung Hsiu-chu

By J. Michael Cole
The KMT is in a process of adjustment before the 2016 elections, but it seems to be moving in the wrong direction.

The Question That Is Never Asked: What Do the Taiwanese Want?

The Question That Is Never Asked: What Do the Taiwanese Want?

By J. Michael Cole
When debating Taiwan's fate, consider what the Taiwanese want.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Chu-Xi Meeting: Neither Historic Nor Groundbreaking

Chu-Xi Meeting: Neither Historic Nor Groundbreaking

By J. Michael Cole
Don't hold your breath for a "historic" cross-strait breakthrough.

Washington’s Obsolete Taiwan Policy

Washington’s Obsolete Taiwan Policy

By Michael A. Turton
The approach to Taiwan is strangely at odds with its policy elsewhere in the region.
Two Myths About KMT’s Defeat in Taiwan’s Local Elections

Two Myths About KMT’s Defeat in Taiwan’s Local Elections

By Charles I-hsin Chen
The Kuomintang’s recent drubbing had nothing to do with cross-Strait policies or Hong Kong.

The Fallout From Taiwan's 2014 Elections

The Fallout From Taiwan's 2014 Elections

By Shannon Tiezzi
Alan Romberg discusses Taiwan's 2014 elections and their ramifications for Taiwan and cross-strait relations.

KMT’s Drubbing and a Surgeon’s Victory: Not Just Cross-Strait Relations

KMT’s Drubbing and a Surgeon’s Victory: Not Just Cross-Strait Relations

By Bao-chiun Jing
A big win in Taipei by an independent candidate owed to more than discontent over China policy.

Taiwan: Leaks and Local Elections

By Kristian McGuire
An investigation into a former high-level KMT official is bad news for Taiwan’s ruling party.
Taiwan and the Future of the Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement

Taiwan and the Future of the Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement

By Jonathan Spangler
The protests over the past week leave Taiwan in an awkward position.

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