
Amid Tensions With Turkey, China Is Putting the Kurdish Issue in Play
By Nurettin Akcay
Responding to Turkey's stepped up rhetoric on Uyghurs, Beijing is taking aim at an ethnic issue sensitive to Ankara.

After the Kurds, Will Trump Abandon Afghanistan Next?
By Uzair Younus
Given the Syria debacle, one cannot rule out a tweet that abruptly announces the end of the war in Afghanistan.

Would India Support a Post-ISIS Independence Push by the Kurds?
By Kabir Taneja
How involved does New Delhi want to be?
Myanmar’s Ethnic Parliamentarians May Be 2016’s ‘Kingmakers’
By Nicholas Borroz and Hunter Marston
Turkey’s experience offers lessons that could guide Myanmar to a more pluralistic future.

Muddling Through is Not Enough: Why U.S. Needs a New Iraq Policy
A decade after the invasion, America’s “one-Iraq” policy is pulling the country apart. Supporting the Kurds is the key to saving it.
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