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Open Society Foundations Closes Down Kyrgyzstan Operation

Open Society Foundations Closes Down Kyrgyzstan Operation

By Catherine Putz
In announcing the closure of Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, the Open Society Foundations cited the new “foreign representatives” law.
Kyrgyzstan Adopts Law Targeting Foreign-Funded NGOs

Kyrgyzstan Adopts Law Targeting Foreign-Funded NGOs

By Colleen Wood
The restrictive law was first proposed 10 years ago. How could it affect Kyrgyz society now that it’s been passed?

Detained Kyrgyz Journalist Alleges Abuse by Guards

Detained Kyrgyz Journalist Alleges Abuse by Guards

By Catherine Putz
Ombudsman representatives confirmed Makhabat Tajibek kyzy was bruised from an apparent beating, but detention center staff would not allow them to document it. 

Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Uranium Mining in Kyrgyzstan Pose Unacceptable Risks

Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Uranium Mining in Kyrgyzstan Pose Unacceptable Risks

By Ilgiz Kambarov
Pursuing nuclear power is a perilous path for Kyrgyzstan, especially given the country's geological instability and a lack of domestic expertise and infrastructure.

In Kyrgyzstan, Pendulum Swings Hard Against Matraimov With Arrest

In Kyrgyzstan, Pendulum Swings Hard Against Matraimov With Arrest

By Catherine Putz
Over the last five years, Kyrgyz authorities have repeatedly had their hands on notoriously corrupt former official Raimbek Matraimov and each time let him go. Will this time be different?
Calls for Kyrgyz President to Veto ‘Foreign Representatives’ Bill

Calls for Kyrgyz President to Veto ‘Foreign Representatives’ Bill

By Catherine Putz
From the EU delegation and the U.N. resident coordinator to an array of domestic NGOs, calls for Japarov to veto the bill have sounded loud and clear.

Kyrgyzstan’s Shifting Politics: Foreign Agents, Civil Society, and Russian Influence

Kyrgyzstan’s Shifting Politics: Foreign Agents, Civil Society, and Russian Influence

By Bektour Iskender
How did Kyrgyzstan become a standard-bearer in adopting Kremlin-inspired tactics – like the just-passed “foreign representatives” bill – to suppress civil society?
Kyrgyz ‘Mass Media’ Law Withdrawn by Presidential Request

Kyrgyz ‘Mass Media’ Law Withdrawn by Presidential Request

By Catherine Putz
After meeting with media representatives, Japarov requested the controversial bill be withdrawn and “finalized” – ostensibly to be re-worked and re-considered at a later time

With Journalists Behind Bars, Kyrgyzstan Enters New Era of Repression

With Journalists Behind Bars, Kyrgyzstan Enters New Era of Repression

By Ilya Lozovsky
The authorities have accused Temirov Live, a respected investigative outlet, of inciting mass unrest, and jailed nearly a dozen of its current and former employees.

Kyrgyzstan’s Repressive Turn Lands Bishkek on CIVICUS Watchlist

Kyrgyzstan’s Repressive Turn Lands Bishkek on CIVICUS Watchlist

By Catherine Putz
The watchdog says Kyrgyz authorities are “cracking down on dissent with unprecedented severity”

Worrying Water Levels at Kyrgyzstan’s Critical Toktogul Reservoir

Worrying Water Levels at Kyrgyzstan’s Critical Toktogul Reservoir

By Catherine Putz
Officials have again urged consumers to use less electricity as the reservoir’s water levels drop closer to a concerning ‘dead’ level.
In Farcical Vote, Kyrgyz ‘Foreign Representative’ Law Moves Ahead Again

In Farcical Vote, Kyrgyz ‘Foreign Representative’ Law Moves Ahead Again

By Catherine Putz
Despite being under serious government pressure, Kyrgyz media reported that some deputies cast votes for their absent colleagues in violation of parliamentary rules.

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