Ladakh development

On China-India Border, Ladakh Blames Modi’s BJP for Unemployment, Stagnancy
By Tarushi Aswani
In 2019, Ladakh’s residents had high hopes for their region’s new status. Today, they feel ignored and betrayed.

Icy Desert Ladakh Turns Up the Heat on Modi Ahead of Indian Elections
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The loss of their grazing lands to Chinese incursions and Indian corporations has prompted Ladakhis to oppose the BJP government’s top-down governance model.

Ladakh at the Crossroads
By Katarzyna Rybarczyk
Climate change, a growing army presence, and mass tourism all threaten Ladakh’s traditional farming and culture.

Unabating Tension With China Spurs India’s Border Infrastructure Efforts
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
India has reversed its previous neglect of infrastructure near the border, but it has a long way to go to close the gap with China.

After a Year as a Union Territory, Dashed Hopes in Ladakh
By Anwar Ali Tsarpa
Even those who demanded UT status have been disappointed by the reality: less representation, more bureaucracy, and still no jobs.
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