LGBT Rights

Thailand’s Parliament Passes Landmark Marriage Equality Bill
By Sebastian Strangio
Once the law is approved by the Senate and the King, the country will become the first in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

Forecasting Democratic Futures in Asia and the Pacific
By Michael Runey and Emma Kenny
What, if anything, can Asia's democrats do to reverse the reactionary trends of recent years?

In Post-Repeal Singapore, LGBTQ Activists Work to Expand Family Structures
By Robin Vochelet
For this year’s Pink Dot campaign, the first since the repeal of Section 377A, queer Singaporeans hope to expand the definition of family in the city-state.

Why LGBT Rights Trump Environmentalism in Vietnam
By Mai Truong
The Vietnamese Communist Party's relatively progressive stance on LGBT issues contrasts with its fierce crackdown on independent environmental activism.

Can Marriage Equality Become a Reality in Thailand?
By Mookdapa Yangyuenpradorn and Sippachai Kunnuwong
Recent legislative developments have raised hopes, but the Thai government could still sink the LGBTQ dream of equal rights.

Singapore to Repeal Colonial-Era Law Criminalizing Sex Between Men
By Sebastian Strangio
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that repealing Section 377A of the Penal Code was the “right thing to do,” but ruled out legalizing same-sex marriage.

Vietnam Takes Major Step Forward in Recognizing LGBTQ Rights
By Sebastian Strangio
The country's Health Ministry has instructed doctors to stop treating homosexuality as a disease, and to cease discrimination in medical care.

Marriage Equality in Taiwan Hinges on Politics
By Zoe Leung
In past electoral politics, marriage equality was seldom a dominant issue, but the landscape is shifting and some barriers to equality remain in place.

Singapore Rebukes US Embassy Over LGBT Rights Event
By Sebastian Strangio
The statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs carried echoes of the "Asian values" debate of the 1990s.

Amid Debate Over LGBT Rights, Uzbek Authorities Victim-Blame Attacked Activist
By Catherine Putz
A blogger who suggested Uzbekistan decriminalize gay sex was brutally attacked. The Interior Ministry and others blame him for provoking the assault.

LGBT Community Targeted by Police in Indonesia
By Joshua Mcdonald
Homosexuality is legal in most of Indonesia, but attacks on the community have been on the rise in recent years.

Will Duterte Help Win the Battle for Gay Rights in the Philippines?
By Erin Cook
The president’s incendiary rhetoric conceals more complex policy realities in the country under his tenure.
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