
Lower Mekong region

No Mainstream: The Mekong’s Competing Definitions

No Mainstream: The Mekong’s Competing Definitions

By Benjamin Zawacki
Both within and between nations, Southeast Asia's largest river gives rise to competing, and in some cases conflicting, notions.
Scientists Identify 224 New Species in Mekong Region: WWF

Scientists Identify 224 New Species in Mekong Region: WWF

By Sebastian Strangio
But the conservation group warned that many more will go extinct before they are even discovered, due to rapid habitat loss.

China-Backed SEZs Linked to Southeast Asia’s Illegal Wildlife Trade

China-Backed SEZs Linked to Southeast Asia’s Illegal Wildlife Trade

By Sebastian Strangio
The trade has been facilitated by a combination of loose state jurisdictions and proximity to China's economy.

Australia Mulling Hefty Aid Injection for Lower Mekong Nations

Australia Mulling Hefty Aid Injection for Lower Mekong Nations

By Sebastian Strangio
The injection of cash will mostly focus on the lower Mekong countries, which have recently seen a growing Chinese influence.

How Meaningful is the New US-Mekong Partnership?

How Meaningful is the New US-Mekong Partnership?

By Sebastian Strangio
The recently announced multilateral framework is a welcome – but limited – check on China's expanding influence in the Mekong region.
China’s Control of the Mekong

China’s Control of the Mekong

By Philip Citowicki
Whether through its own dams or the financing and construction of dams in other countries, China is largely in the driver’s seat when it comes to the Mekong.

New Laos Dam Heightens Mekong Fears

New Laos Dam Heightens Mekong Fears

By Luke Hunt
A third mainstream dam raises the threat posed to the river's future.
What a New Vietnam-Russia Deal Says About the Mekong’s Future

What a New Vietnam-Russia Deal Says About the Mekong’s Future

By Luke Hunt
A rather unusual business transaction shows how some Mekong countries are focusing on aquaculture with the river’s future in peril.

Why the Mekong River Commission May Be In Peril

By Luke Hunt
The future of the body hangs in the balance amid financial and performance concerns.

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