
Brexit: An Indictment of Direct Democracy or Vulgar Politics as Usual?
By Ankit Panda
No reason to grow contemptuous of direct democracy after 'Brexit'. This was always about politicians and politics.

If You Want to Understand Machiavelli, Read This Author
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Revisiting the usefulness of the "hedgehog and fox" analogy for defense analysis.

Are China's Leaders Disciples of Machiavelli?
By Jin Kai
A deeper look at Machiavellian thought and how it relates to Chinese leaders' political philosophy.

Why We Should Study China's Machiavelli
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The similarities and differences between Niccolo Machiavelli and Han Feizi are illuminating.

Is ‘China’s Machiavelli’ Now Its Most Important Political Philosopher?
By Ryan Mitchell
Xi Jinping quotes an ancient philosopher and offers possible insights into his political beliefs.

How Machiavelli Explains Chuck Hagel's Resignation
By James R. Holmes
Scratching your head over Hagel's resignation? Let Niccolò Machiavelli explain!

Rome, Carthage and US-China Relations
By James R. Holmes
With all this Thucydidesmania, it’s easy to forget the important lessons the Punic Wars might offer China and the US.

A Machiavellian Age of Sea Power
The U.S. Navy is being asked to do the unprecedented while having a weak hand.
Machiavelli's Paradox
Question: Is it better to be feared or loved when combating an insurgency?
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