
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Iran's 2017 Election: Ahmadinejad’s Candidacy Signals the Regime's Weakening

Iran's 2017 Election: Ahmadinejad’s Candidacy Signals the Regime's Weakening

By Heshmat Alavi
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's entrance into Iran's electoral race is deeply dangerous.

As Presidential Election Nears, Iran's Hardliners Flex Their Muscles

As Presidential Election Nears, Iran's Hardliners Flex Their Muscles

By Yigal Chazan
Emboldened conservatives look set to step up their influence over the country whether they win or not.
How Iran’s Upcoming Election Drives Nuclear Diplomacy

How Iran’s Upcoming Election Drives Nuclear Diplomacy

By Daniel Berman
Iran’s future hangs on the Assembly of Experts election in 2016. For that reason, so do the P5+1 negotiations.

Iran’s Top Leader Questions Holocaust

Iran’s Top Leader Questions Holocaust

By Zachary Keck
In his Nowruz speech on Friday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei questioned whether the Holocaust happened.

Despite Western Music Ban, Iranians Rock On

Despite Western Music Ban, Iranians Rock On

By Angela Erika Kubo
Western culture faces political opposition in Iran, but that doesn’t stop people from enjoying some rock ‘n’ roll.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Rouhani to the Rescue in Iran?

Rouhani to the Rescue in Iran?

Iran’s economy is currently in tatters. Does the new president hold the necessary keys to improving it?

Coming Soon: India’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

Coming Soon: India’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

Plus, Ahmadinejad says that nuclear weapons are sooo 20th century. Thursday defense links.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s African Safari

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s African Safari

From Ghana to Egypt to the Horn, the departing president has leveraged economic and diplomatic ties to expand Iran’s reach in Africa.

How Iran’s Election Could Change Nuclear Negotiations

How Iran’s Election Could Change Nuclear Negotiations

Friday’s election may not change Iran’s nuclear stance, but it could change the West’s position on a deal with Iran.

Undermining Iran’s Islamic Republic From Within

Undermining Iran’s Islamic Republic From Within

Constant meddling threatens to drag the Supreme Leader into the political mud.

Iran’s Elections: The Maneouvering Begins

Iran’s Elections: The Maneouvering Begins

While Saeed Jalili appears the early frontrunner, the early chaos of Iran’s presidential elections underscores the unpredictability of the race.

The Iran Secret: Explaining North Korea's Rocket Success

The Iran Secret: Explaining North Korea's Rocket Success

For years the Iran factor in North Korea’s ballistic missile program has been hiding in the open.

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