Malaysia economy

Indonesia and Malaysia Saw Strong Economic Growth in 2022
By James Guild
Last year saw several Southeast Asian economies bounce back from the distortions and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Malaysia, Indonesia to Dispatch Envoys to EU Over Palm Oil Dispute
By Sebastian Strangio
The two nations hope to convince European regulators that their local certification efforts conform to the EU's rigorous new regulation on deforestation.

New Malaysian Government to Tackle Cost of Living Crisis
By Sebastian Strangio
Tackling rice bowl issues is a prudent first step for Anwar Ibrahim, who confronts a polarized political landscape.

What Malaysia’s Digital Banking Licenses Tell Us
By James Guild
The Malaysian central bank has awarded five digital banking licenses. What value will they add to the country's financial system?

A Snapshot of Post-Pandemic Trade in ASEAN
By James Guild
Inflation and rising commodity prices have assisted some countries' recovery, while holding back others.

Bank Negara Malaysia to Award Digital Banking Licenses
By James Guild
The Malaysian central bank's move follows Singapore's awarding of digital banking licenses at the end of 2020.

Malaysia’s Record Spending Bill Seeks to Fuel Recovery Ahead of Elections
By Alifah Zainuddin
The country keeps spending in preparation for a post-pandemic economy, but there are big risks ahead.

Malaysia Lifts Ban On Interstate, Overseas Travel In Transition To Endemic Phase
By Alifah Zainuddin
The next few weeks will reveal if the country is prepared for a COVID-19 endemic phase, or if it will experience another wave of hospitalizations.

What the 12th Malaysia Plan Tells Us About the Country’s Political Economy
By James Guild
The latest iteration of the country's five-year plan includes a host of nice-sounding economic goals. The challenge is implementing them.

Malaysia’s 5-Year Plan Sets Its Sights on High-Income Status by 2025
By Alifah Zainuddin
The new PM's plan focuses on raising income and reining in pollution. Can it be achieved or is it a mere smokescreen?

Southeast Asia’s Current Account Balancing Act
By James Guild
While trade is important as countries seek to bounce back from COVID-19, you need to poke a little deeper to get a full picture of the current account.

The Collapse of Malaysia’s Middle Class
By Amrita Malhi
On the 50th anniversary of Malaysia’s New Economic Policy, the middle class it famously built may be collapsing. Will its goal of national unity collapse with it?