
Malaysia under Najib Razak

Has the Paint Dried on Malaysia’s Protest Art?

Has the Paint Dried on Malaysia’s Protest Art?

By Michael Beltran
Radical street artist Fahmi Reza reflects on Malaysia a year after Najib’s fall.
Malaysia's 14th General Elections: Standing Still

Malaysia's 14th General Elections: Standing Still

By Dominique F. Fernandes
With the national opposition in disarray, the elections seem to be Barisan Nasional’s to lose.

Actually, Malaysia’s Multi-Ethnic Coalition Died in 1969

Actually, Malaysia’s Multi-Ethnic Coalition Died in 1969

By James Chin
Those who believe that the BN is a genuine multi-ethnic coalition have simply fallen for the slick propaganda.

Najib’s Dangerous and Self-Serving Rohingya Campaign

Najib’s Dangerous and Self-Serving Rohingya Campaign

By David Hutt
The Malaysian prime minister’s intrusion into a sensitive issue in Myanmar carries risks of its own.

Malaysia Is Not Pivoting to China With Najib’s Visit

Malaysia Is Not Pivoting to China With Najib’s Visit

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Suggestions of a dramatic shift are grossly exaggerated and not grounded in reality.
Malaysia's Growing Crackdown on Dissent

Malaysia's Growing Crackdown on Dissent

By Luke Hunt
A new report sheds light on a disturbing trend.

Time for Malaysia's Najib to Step Aside

Time for Malaysia's Najib to Step Aside

By Luke Hunt
The premier needs to give his country a much-needed respite.
When Will Malaysia Hold Its Next Election?

When Will Malaysia Hold Its Next Election?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look at the speculation that the country may hold early polls before it needs to in 2018.

US Lawsuit Against Malaysia's 1MDB: Who Is 'Official 1'?

US Lawsuit Against Malaysia's 1MDB: Who Is 'Official 1'?

By Mong Palatino
The clues point to only one person.

US Lawsuits Deepen Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal

US Lawsuits Deepen Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal

By Luke Hunt
Malaysian premier Najib Razak is believed to be linked to the stolen funds.

Malaysia's Recent Elections Weren't Just About Najib's Popularity

Malaysia's Recent Elections Weren't Just About Najib's Popularity

By Rui Hao Puah
The twin by-elections need to be properly understood.
Did China Vessels Encroach Malaysia’s Waters?

Did China Vessels Encroach Malaysia’s Waters?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Malaysia’s defense minister appears to contradict earlier official reports.

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