Marine Corps

6 Platforms for Marine Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations Logistics
By Alec Blivas
Alongside exploring conventional options, the Marine Corps must also think out-of-the-box when it comes to meeting EABO logistics requirements.

The US is Considering Deploying Another Marine Expeditionary Unit to Asia
By Ankit Panda
The move would help boost U.S. force readiness in the Asia-Pacific region.

South Korea Unveils New Elite Unit of Marines
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The unit’s main task is to carry out special operations inside North Korea in the event of war.

Marine Corps Chief: Not Sure About Asia Force Posture
By Zachary Keck
The USMC’s top officer is uncertain about how much forward presence the U.S. needs in Asia.

A Cold War State of Mind?
While there is room for debate concerning the makeup of the U.S. Navy, certain comparisons warrant a bit of caution.
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