
Marshall Islands COFA renewal

The Importance of America’s Pacific Family

The Importance of America’s Pacific Family

By Cleo Paskal
Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands are the United States’ closest allies. And they’re essential for a free and open Indo-Pacific.

Is This the End of the COFA Saga?

Is This the End of the COFA Saga?

By Patricia O’Brien
With COFA funding expected to finally get congressional approval, the U.S. will need to work to overcome the negative perceptions generated by the protracted struggle to fund vital U.S. Pacific partners. 
‘Ashes of Death’: The Marshall Islands Is Still Seeking Justice for US Nuclear Tests

‘Ashes of Death’: The Marshall Islands Is Still Seeking Justice for US Nuclear Tests

By Camilla Pohle
Seven decades after Castle Bravo, the United States’ most devastating nuclear test, it’s time to give the nation fair compensation.

US Congress’ COFA Delay Jeopardizes a Key Element of the ’Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ 

US Congress’ COFA Delay Jeopardizes a Key Element of the ’Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ 

By Cleo Paskal
The U.S. government concluded COFA renewal talks with Palau, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands in 2023. Months later, Congress has yet to approve the funding.

China Threatens US Interests in Micronesia, Former President Warns

China Threatens US Interests in Micronesia, Former President Warns

By Camilla Pohle
If Compact funding remains stuck in limbo, the Freely Associated States will be increasingly vulnerable to China’s influence, David Panuelo warned.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

‘Oppenheimer,’ Nuclear Amnesia, and the US Pacific Legacy

‘Oppenheimer,’ Nuclear Amnesia, and the US Pacific Legacy

By Patricia O’Brien
At the very time the Marshall Islands COFA negotiations began to falter over the U.S. atomic legacy, “Oppenheimer” appeared in cinemas.

US Pacific Policy Forges Ahead With Successful 2nd Summit

US Pacific Policy Forges Ahead With Successful 2nd Summit

By Patricia O’Brien
Despite domestic political headwinds, Biden’s engagement at the second U.S.-Pacific Islands summit was welcomed, as were newly announced funds, initiatives and an expanding diplomatic footprint.
What to Expect From the 2nd US-Pacific Islands Summit

What to Expect From the 2nd US-Pacific Islands Summit

By Patricia O’Brien
The upcoming summit represents the crowning event of Washington’s explosive re-engagement with the Pacific Islands.

Politics Risk Derailing One of America’s Most Important Strategic Agreements

Politics Risk Derailing One of America’s Most Important Strategic Agreements

By Cleo Paskal
China is the biggest winner from the current train wreck that is the Marshall Islands–United States COFA negotiations.

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