Mekong River Commission

What Is the Value of the Mekong River?
By Luke Hunt
New estimates have been released on the value of fisheries along one of the world's largest rivers.
Why the Mekong River Commission May Be In Peril
By Luke Hunt
The future of the body hangs in the balance amid financial and performance concerns.

Laos Officially Approves Controversial Dam Project
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Parliament okays concession agreement for Don Sahong project despite regional concerns.

China-India: Revisiting the ‘Water Wars’ Narrative
By Zhang Hongzhou
The “water wars” narrative in the context of the Brahmaputra River is premature and unhelpful.

Mekong Fish Stocks Being Sacrificed on Local Bickering
By Luke Hunt
The need for a coherent region-wide strategy for the Mekong has never been greater.

Cambodia, Vietnam Vow to Boost Bilateral Ties
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Vietnamese president’s state visit sees neighbors advance comprehensive cooperation

Mekong Summit Struggles to Halt Devastating Dams
By Tom Fawthrop
Laos remains determined to move forward with dam construction that threatens the environment and food security.

Trouble on the Mekong
By Tom Fawthrop
Europe’s Pöyry Energy and its controversial role as Xayaburi dam consultant have been challenged under new OECD CSR rules.

Xayaburi Dam Threatens Mekong River’s Giant Catfish
The Xayaburi Dam poses a problem for the Mekong River’s fish and the people living beside it.
Laos Finally Called Out over Xayaburi Dam
Are regional tensions over the Xayaburi Dam coming to a head?

Laos Proceeds With Dam Despite ASEM Summit
Laos’ biggest diplomatic achievement in decades may be overshadowed by dam construction.

The New "Battery of Asia?"
Laos intends to build more than 70 dams along tributaries of the Mekong River. While there are rich profits to be made, is the cost too high?