
Meng Wanzhou

China’s Huawei Says 2021 Sales Down, Profit Up

China’s Huawei Says 2021 Sales Down, Profit Up

By Joe McDonald
Huawei has stepped up an emphasis on the China market and on serving hospitals, mines, and other industrial customers with technologies that are less vulnerable to U.S. sanctions.

Canada Judge Rules Huawei CFO’s Extradition Case Will Proceed

Canada Judge Rules Huawei CFO’s Extradition Case Will Proceed

By Associated Press
Meng Wanzhou's extradition cleared a legal hurdle, despite pressure from Beijing.
Huawei in the Trump Administration’s Crosshairs as US-China Economic Warfare Escalates

Huawei in the Trump Administration’s Crosshairs as US-China Economic Warfare Escalates

By Ankit Panda
Huawei is in trouble.

Beyond Tariffs: In the Trump Era, a New Trade War Arsenal

Beyond Tariffs: In the Trump Era, a New Trade War Arsenal

By Cybèle Greenberg and Jonathan Jeffrey
The next-generation weapons of today’s trade war dangerously conflate politics and economics.

Huawei’s Legal Woes and Tech ’Decoupling’ Between China and the West

Huawei’s Legal Woes and Tech ’Decoupling’ Between China and the West

By Ankit Panda
Huawei is just the beginning in a longer-term decoupling between the West and China.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Will US Indictments Against Huawei Hurt US-China Trade Talks?

Will US Indictments Against Huawei Hurt US-China Trade Talks?

By Charlotte Gao
At least for now, signals show that China is still striving for a trade deal with the United States despite the row over Huawei.

US Extradition of Huawei CFO:  Fallout and Fault Lines 

US Extradition of Huawei CFO:  Fallout and Fault Lines 

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Roland Hinterkoerner.
Explaining Australia’s Meek Response to China's Arbitrary Detention of 2 Canadians

Explaining Australia’s Meek Response to China's Arbitrary Detention of 2 Canadians

By Grant Wyeth
Australia has been slow to respond to these events, instead choosing to remain mostly aloof. Why?

Why Canada Will Bear the Brunt of the American War on Huawei

Why Canada Will Bear the Brunt of the American War on Huawei

By Uday Khanapurkar
The Canadian arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou came at the request of the U.S., but Canada is likely to be the biggest loser.

US-China Tensions Enter a New Phase

US-China Tensions Enter a New Phase

By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Ceasefire or Escalation?

China Detains a Third Canadian Citizen for ‘Illegal Employment’

China Detains a Third Canadian Citizen for ‘Illegal Employment’

By Charlotte Gao
Canada's prime minister says the third case is different from the previous two, believed to be retaliation for the Meng case.
In Handling Meng Wanzhou, US and Canada Must Stand for the Rule of Law

In Handling Meng Wanzhou, US and Canada Must Stand for the Rule of Law

By Ankit Panda
Why the U.S. needs to stand with Canada and set aside politics in the prosecution of Huawei’s CFO.

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