
#MeToo in China

Child Sex Abuse Victim Gets a Landmark Win in Chinese Court

Child Sex Abuse Victim Gets a Landmark Win in Chinese Court

By Laura van Megen
In a national first, a victim of childhood sexual abuse was awarded financial compensation and public apology in Chinese civil court – even after the statute of limitations lapsed.

Four Years After #MeToo in China: Shrinking Digital Space for Change

Four Years After #MeToo in China: Shrinking Digital Space for Change

By Sara Liao and Rose Luqiu
Chinese authorities and powerful (male) players are resilient in exploiting the same digital affordances that powered #MeToo to drown out victims of sexual violence.
China’s Lawmakers Take More (Cautious) Steps Against Workplace Sexual Harassment  

China’s Lawmakers Take More (Cautious) Steps Against Workplace Sexual Harassment  

By Darius Longarino, Changhao Wei, and Yixin (Claire) Ren
Draft revisions to China’s women’s rights law are a step in the right direction, but are likely to have limited impact.

China’s #MeToo Victims Face Abuse, Payback for Going Public

China’s #MeToo Victims Face Abuse, Payback for Going Public

By Huizhong Wu
In the most recent example, a woman was fired by Alibaba after going public with an accusation of sexual assault.

Doubts Over Email Raise Concerns for Peng Shuai’s Safety

Doubts Over Email Raise Concerns for Peng Shuai’s Safety

By Huizhong Wu
The Chinese tennis star has not been seen in public since she posted accusations of sexual assault against a top CCP official.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What Peng Shuai’s Story Tells Us About #MeToo in China

What Peng Shuai’s Story Tells Us About #MeToo in China

By Lü Pin
Peng’s story is an example of a woman sharing her story and demanding justice. That is what has kept #MeToo growing strong since the beginning, despite heavy censorship.

Chinese Tennis Star Accuses Former Top Official of Sexual Assault

Chinese Tennis Star Accuses Former Top Official of Sexual Assault

By Shannon Tiezzi
Peng Shuai's post broke new ground for the #MeToo movement in China: directly implicating a high-ranking CCP official.
Beijing Court Rules Against Woman in China #MeToo Case

Beijing Court Rules Against Woman in China #MeToo Case

By Huizhong Wu and Sam McNeil
After three years of waiting, Zhou Xiaoxuan lost her case against a CCTV host accused of harassing her.

Alibaba Fires Manager Over Suspected Sexual Assault

Alibaba Fires Manager Over Suspected Sexual Assault

By Associated Press
Close on the heels of the Kris Wu scandal, charges of sexual assault and harassment at Alibaba emerged.

Chinese Pop Star Dumped by Brands Over Accusation of Sexual Assault

Chinese Pop Star Dumped by Brands Over Accusation of Sexual Assault

By Joe McDonald and Fu Ting
A teenager accused Kris Wu of getting her drunk in order to have sex with her. The reaction shows just how far China’s #MeToo movement has come.

#MeToo Reckoning Continues in China and Hong Kong

#MeToo Reckoning Continues in China and Hong Kong

By Jessie Lau
As China held a hearing on a #MeToo icon’s case, Hong Kong was grappling with its biggest sexual harassment scandal yet.
China #MeToo Case Heads to Court After 2-Year Delay

China #MeToo Case Heads to Court After 2-Year Delay

By Associated Press
Zhou Xiaoxuan’s case highlights the growing willingness of Chinese women to speak up about sexual harassment despite official resistance and censorship.

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