Mike Mullen

America’s Foreign Policy Fiasco
Barack Obama’s once promising foreign policy has been undermined by short-sighted support for Israel and muddled objectives in Afghanistan.

US Takes Gloves Off With Pakistan
Admiral Mike Mullen’s warning that Pakistan is using extremism as an instrument of policy marked a major change in US tone. Will Pakistan respond?

The Limits of Mil-to-Mil Contacts
There’s a limit to what military-to-military forums can teach countries. The US and China are a case in point.

Are China and US Destined to Clash?
August 1 is Army Day in China. Recent improvements in Sino-US military ties are welcome, but conflicting interests mean tensions might still be inevitable.

Mullen Steps Up On Pakistan
Do Adm. Mike Mullen’s comments on the killing of Salim Shezad reflect a tougher approach to Pakistan?

Mullen’s Welcome Shock Therapy
Pakistan’s security sector needs to shape up and drop its misguided fixation on ‘good’ terrorism. Admiral Mike Mullen was right to tackle the issue head on.