
India to Test “China Killer” Agni-V ICBM
Local media outlets report that India will conduct the second test of the nuclear-capable Agni-V next week.

South Korea to Purchase Bunker-Buster Missile
The Taurus missile will help Seoul implement its new “active deterrence” strategy of preemption against Pyongyang.

The DF-21D or "Carrier Killer": An Instrument of Deception?
Is all the hype part of an asymmetrical campaign by China to defeat its enemies without a fight?
The Real Anti-Access Story
Given the advancing capabilities of China’s anti-access forces, questions of diffusion and proliferation bear consideration.

India's Space Agency Conducts 100th Mission
Having passed this milestone, it’s time for the Indian Space Research Organization to look ahead.

China's Growing Long-Range Strike Capability
Reports indicate China is developing a long-range sea-based cruise missile. Could China have its own ‘Tomahawk’?
Is Hype Over China's New Super-Missile Overblown?
Rumors stem from a United Daily News story that seems to have been removed, writes Harry Kazianis.