Mitt Romney

Romney and Obama's Odd Foreign Policy Dance
On many global issues, the candidates are not far apart. Can Romney use this to his advantage?

Romney's 'Pivot' ...to George W. Bush?
With proposals to expand the U.S. military, a strong focus on the Middle East, while simultaneously lowering taxes – all seem like moves from a former President’s playbook.

How Obama’s India Policy Has Made America Stronger
Part of President Obama’s impressive foreign policy record has been his persistent courting of India. Mitt Romney would do well to take notice.
If Romney Wins, Does the U.S. Navy Expand?
A recent interview suggests a Romney win could see an expansion of the U.S. Navy. Can he convince the public?

Simple Arithmetic: Sorry Mitt, It's Over
At the end of the day, elections are decided by who gets 270 electoral votes. The winner is clear…
Why the First Debate Was a Draw
With major outlets calling the first U.S. Presidential debate a win for Mitt Romney, there could be a different conclusion.
Message to the Candidates: Talk China Policy not China Smack
The 2012 U.S. Presidential race is filled with China rhetoric. Is it serious or just election pandering?

The "Mitt Romney School" of Foreign Policy
Although Gov. Romney often criticizes President Obama’s choices in foreign affairs, many wonder about the precise nature of his own views.

Why Iran Doesn’t Believe U.S. and Israeli Threats
Iranian leaders don’t believe that the U.S. or Israel will attack them, and history says they’re right.

"Silly Season" on Both Sides of the Pacific
In Beijing and Washington, election politics are creating lots of tough talk.

What’s Mitt’s Foreign Policy?
While America’s Presidential Election won’t be won on foreign policy, Mitt Romney’s experience and views matter.

Why Israel Won't Attack Iran
While many believe leaders in Tel Aviv are bluffing, the Jewish state gains a lot by threatening to strike Tehran.