

Prime Minister Modi Extends Kashmir an Olive Branch

Prime Minister Modi Extends Kashmir an Olive Branch

By Sudha Ramachandran
Modi's invitation for Jammu and Kashmir's political parties to attend a meeting in New Delhi is aimed at kick-starting the election process there.

India’s Self-Inflicted Foreign Policy Challenges in 2020

India’s Self-Inflicted Foreign Policy Challenges in 2020

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While the Modi government secured some notable gains during its time in office thus far, challenges lie ahead this year and beyond.
Burgeoning India-Indonesia Relations: Beyond Historical Nostalgia and Toward Strategic Convergence

Burgeoning India-Indonesia Relations: Beyond Historical Nostalgia and Toward Strategic Convergence

By Rajeev Ranjan Chaturvedy and Jefferson Ng
The recent activity in bilateral ties indicates a gradual shift toward greater strategic convergence that could be cemented further in years to come.

Kashmir and a Second Modi Government: Press Freedoms Under Siege

Kashmir and a Second Modi Government: Press Freedoms Under Siege

By Adnan Bhat
In the disputed Muslim-majority region, a muzzled press and attempts to erode the state’s special status provoke anxiety

What Does Trump’s Kashmir Storm Mean for US-India Relations?

What Does Trump’s Kashmir Storm Mean for US-India Relations?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While the controversy risked being added to the list of issues both sides are having, thus far the fallout has been managed relatively well.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Russia-India-China Trilateral Grouping: More Than Hype?

Russia-India-China Trilateral Grouping: More Than Hype?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
A closer look at the development of the mechanism and the drivers behind it.

What Does the New 2+2 Dialogue Mean for the India-Japan Relationship?

What Does the New 2+2 Dialogue Mean for the India-Japan Relationship?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The new mechanism holds significance not only within bilateral ties, but for Indian foreign policy and the region more generally.
Will the Masood Azhar Listing Improve Sino-Indian Relations?

Will the Masood Azhar Listing Improve Sino-Indian Relations?

By Rajesh Rajagopalan and Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
There are understandable reasons to be skeptical.

India’s Missile Test Spotlights Its Lingering Space Challenges

India’s Missile Test Spotlights Its Lingering Space Challenges

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While a recent test is no doubt historic, New Delhi has much work left to do to address the challenges that remain.

The Temple Guardians: Is India’ Ruling BJP Becoming More Conservative?

The Temple Guardians: Is India’ Ruling BJP Becoming More Conservative?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Bharatiya Janata Party balances two ideologies: nationalism and conservatism.

One More Tryst for Modi and Abe: What to Expect During the Latest India-Japan Summit

One More Tryst for Modi and Abe: What to Expect During the Latest India-Japan Summit

By Harsh V. Pant
India and Japan continue their strategic convergence.
Should Rising China-Nepal Military Ties Worry India?

Should Rising China-Nepal Military Ties Worry India?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi’s concerns are growing, and perhaps understandably so.

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