Modi visit to Israel

1 Year in, India’s Approach to the Gaza War Reflects a Wider Foreign Policy Change
By Liyaqat Nazir
India’s tilt toward Israel didn’t happen on October 7, 2023. It reflects a policy shift nearly a decade in the making, in line with West Asia’s changing geopolitics.

China, India, and Israel's Strategic Calculus
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Yitzhak Shichor.

What Modi’s Israel Visit Means for Pakistan
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Pakistan has two options for responding to tighter India-Israel ties.

India’s Costly Embrace of Israel
By Rob Jenkins
India is importing not just weapons from Israel, but a paranoid political mindset as well.

India's Middle East Balancing Act
By Shafeeq Rahman
India must maintain diplomatic equilibrium between Israel and Arab states.

India-Israel Ties: Not Just About Defense
By Tridivesh Singh Maini
India's blooming relationship with Israel also encompasses trade, agriculture, technology, and tourism.

India's Israel Challenge
By Vinay Kaura
Despite PM Modi's hopes, delinking Israel and Palestine in India's foreign policy is easier said than done.
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