
Mongolia women's rights

Mongolia’s Labor Minister on Tackling the Workplace Gender Gap

Mongolia’s Labor Minister on Tackling the Workplace Gender Gap

By Bolor Lkhaajav
An interview with Minister of Labor and Social Protection Bulgantuya Khurelbaatar.

Can Mongolia Boost Women’s Representation in Its 2024 General Election?

Can Mongolia Boost Women’s Representation in Its 2024 General Election?

By Bolor Lkhaajav
This election will be the first test of a constitutional reform that expanded the parliament, with an eye toward increasing representation for women and disadvantaged groups.
Mongolia Hosts ICAPP Women’s Wing, With Emphasis on Gender Equality

Mongolia Hosts ICAPP Women’s Wing, With Emphasis on Gender Equality

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Ulaanbaatar hosted the women’s wings of the International Conference on Asian Party Politics, with a focus on “promoting women’s leadership.”

Can Recent Constitutional Reforms Augment Women’s Role in Mongolia’s Democracy?

Can Recent Constitutional Reforms Augment Women’s Role in Mongolia’s Democracy?

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Alongside Mongolia's overhaul of its electoral system, the country is also bringing back quotas for female candidates, part of a broader effort to promote gender equality.

Interview With Bolor Ganbold, Mongolia’s First Female General

Interview With Bolor Ganbold, Mongolia’s First Female General

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Bolor Ganbold was once Mongolia's first female cadet; now she is the country's first female general. She speaks about her journey and the role of women in Mongolia's military.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Mongolia’s Military Diplomacy Highlights Female Peacekeepers

Mongolia’s Military Diplomacy Highlights Female Peacekeepers

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Mongolia hosted a conference dedicated to the role of women in peacekeeping operations.

Mongolia Now Has a Record Number of Women Ambassadors

Mongolia Now Has a Record Number of Women Ambassadors

By Bolor Lkhaajav
The achievement is part of a long trek toward gender equality in Mongolia's foreign policy.
Mongolia’s Female Peacekeepers: A Case Study for Gender Parity

Mongolia’s Female Peacekeepers: A Case Study for Gender Parity

By Bolor Lkhaajav and Bolor Ganbold
The U.N. has set a goal of full gender parity in peacekeeping operations. The experience of Mongolian women shows both the progress made and the serious challenges that remain.

Is Mongolia Ready for a Female President?

Is Mongolia Ready for a Female President?

By Manduul Bat-Orshikh
Ts. Oyungerel has announced she will seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for this year's presidential election, sparking controversy before the race even starts.

Mongolia Wrestles With Violence Against Women

Mongolia Wrestles With Violence Against Women

By Peter Bittner
In Mongolia, a pivotal national report on violence against women and a call for men to be allies.

Mongolia’s #MeToo Movement

Mongolia’s #MeToo Movement

By Peter Bittner
Mongolia’s viral #OpenYourEyes campaign brings attention, but can it spur changes to combat gender-based violence?
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