Monroe Doctrine

Why Diplomatic Allies Matter to Taiwan
By Ming-Sung Kuo
And why a new Monroe Doctrine won’t help Taiwan in its battle for diplomatic survival.

How Important Is Latin America on China’s Foreign Policy Agenda?
By Shaheli Das
Putting Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to South America in context.

The Nine-Dashed Line Isn’t China’s Monroe Doctrine
By James R. Holmes
Don’t drink the kool-aid Beijing is peddling. The nine-dashed line is nothing like the Monroe Doctrine.

What Would Chinese Hegemony Look Like?
By Robert E. Kelly
It is certainly not inevitable, but what form would a Sinic Monroe Doctrine take?

A Three-Pronged Approach to the ADIZ
By Amitai Etzioni
In responding to the ADIZ, the U.S. needs to consider carefully its position on China as a rising power.

The US Renounces the Monroe Doctrine?
On Monday, John Kerry declared that “the era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” Don’t believe him.

What To Fear: China's Strength or Weakness?
The Naval Diplomat’s “Excellent Adventure” at Duke University takes an interesting turn.

Godzilla Attacks!
Some expect the Chinese “Godzilla” to act like the U.S. one of the 19th Century. Will it try a Monroe Doctrine?

Monroe Doctrines in Asia?
The Monroe Doctrine is seen as a quintessentially US policy, but it has lessons for India and China today. What happens when a free-rider meets a strongman?
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