Muizzu-India tensions

The Maldives’ Tightrope Walk: Balancing China-India Relations Amid Mounting Debt
By Eva Abdulla
Amid an intensifying competition for influence, the Maldives’ mounting debt is the most central issue in its relations with both India and China.

What the China-Maldives-India Triangle Tells Us About 21st Century Balancing
By Ovigwe Eguegu
Is India really “out” and China “in” for the Maldives? And what does this case tell us about the emerging approach of smaller states in great power competition?

Maldives Signals Tilt Toward China
By Mimrah Abdul Ghafoor
Yet, India is a powerful neighbor, one that plays a major role in the Maldivian economy. How long can President Muizzu sustain this path without taking steps to ease tensions?
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