
Muslims in India

Thousands Protest ‘Bulldozer Justice’ Against Indian Muslims

Thousands Protest ‘Bulldozer Justice’ Against Indian Muslims

By Biswajeet Banerjee
Officials say the demolitions only target illegal buildings, but rights groups and critics say they are an attempt to harass and marginalize Muslims.
India Faces a Diplomatic Storm in the Middle East

India Faces a Diplomatic Storm in the Middle East

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
This episode illustrates the danger facing Indian foreign policy from domestic political developments, increasingly centered on religious conflict.

Black Lives Matter Should Be a Wake-Up Call for India

Black Lives Matter Should Be a Wake-Up Call for India

By StoriesAsia
The Black Lives Matter movement in the United States should remind India that it has much soul-seeking to do on issues of race and identity.

Hate Goes Viral in India

Hate Goes Viral in India

By Siddharthya Roy
Anti-Muslim mudslinging has hit new heights as pandemic panic paves new avenues in India.

Delhi’s Displaced Muslims

Delhi’s Displaced Muslims

By Yashraj Sharma
For many Muslims displaced by February’s violence in the Indian capital, solace and stability are remote.
Battle for India’s New Citizenship Law Moves to Top Court

Battle for India’s New Citizenship Law Moves to Top Court

By Associated Press
The Indian Supreme Court will hear arguments for and against the controversial citizenship law, which opponents say discriminates against Muslims.

(Dis)integrating Muslims, Dismantling India

(Dis)integrating Muslims, Dismantling India

By Muqtedar Khan
India, where Muslims have been at home for more than a millennium, is trying its hardest to alienate, disenfranchise, and disintegrate them.
India’s Narendra Modi Defends Controversial Citizenship Law as National Protests Continue

India’s Narendra Modi Defends Controversial Citizenship Law as National Protests Continue

By Associated Press
As many as 23 people have been killed nationwide since the law was passed in India’s parliament.

The Citizenship Amendment Bill and the ‘Theocratization’ of India

The Citizenship Amendment Bill and the ‘Theocratization’ of India

By Ritu Sharma
The CAB threatens to complete the vision of Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Two-Nation Theory by obliterating India’s claim to secularism.

The Domestic Dividends of Modi’s Look West Policy

The Domestic Dividends of Modi’s Look West Policy

By Chirayu Thakkar
Modi broke with BJP precedent to pursue Arab states. The foreign policy rationale is obvious, but there's a domestic political logic as well.

Kashmir, Pulwama, and Pakistan: Navigating Islam and Citizenship in India

Kashmir, Pulwama, and Pakistan: Navigating Islam and Citizenship in India

By Aman Madan and Hari Prasad
For segments of the country’s Hindu population, Muslim loyalty to the nation has always been suspect.
What India's Most Backward District Wants From the Election

What India's Most Backward District Wants From the Election

By Vishal Arora, Avinash Giri, and Safvana Yasmine
Voters in Nuh wonder where the government has been.

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