Muslims in India
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Understanding India’s Political Evolution
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Recent assembly election results speak to the enduring strength of India’s democracy.

Where Can One Get a ‘Patriotic Muslim’ Certificate? About Mulk
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Despite a preachy posture, the movie’s importance lies in highlighting the plight of Muslims in contemporary India.

Paying Attention to India’s Saints of All Faiths
By Krzysztof Iwanek
There are cults in India that exist between Hinduism and Islam, but their sites are increasingly claimed by one or the other.

A Poetic Protest Against Lynchings of Muslims in India
By Vishal Arora
A Muslim poet protests against the recent violence inflicted on her community.

Why India's Triple Talaq Debate Misses the Point
By Aftab Alam
Muslim women have far more pressing concerns. Why is this obscure practice gaining national attention?

5 Myths Behind India’s Communal Violence
By Vishal Arora
Ram Puniyani debunks 5 misconceptions that drive violence against religious minorities.

Murdered Over Beef? Muslims Are Under Siege in India
By Sanjay Kumar
A recent murder shows that for all the talk, India is still plagued by religious tension.

The Rampant Politicization of Indian Census Data Must Stop
By Sanjay Kumar
Remember: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Is India's Hindu Right Getting More Assertive?
By Sanjay Kumar
Members of a right wing Hindu party force a Muslim to eat during Ramadan.

India’s Muslims Aren’t All Skeptical of Modi and the BJP
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
The BJP may be a Hindu nationalist party, but India's Shia Muslims seem to support it.
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