Myanmar Muslims

Can Malaysia Lead ASEAN on Accountability for Myanmar’s Muslim Minorities?
By Kyaw Win
Malaysian leaders have been vocal about the plight of the Rohingya and other Muslim communities. Now is their chance to make a difference.

Can Kofi Annan’s Commission Solve the Rohingya Conundrum?
By Nehginpao Kipgen
A new advisory commission, led by Annan, will seek a lasting solution to tensions in Rakhine state.

Another Mosque Attacked in Myanmar
By Roshni Kapur
A mob in Myanmar has torched a mosque, in the second attack in nine days.

Myanmar and the 'War on Terror'
By Tauseef Akbar
In Myanmar, as elsewhere around the globe, the "war on terror" is used to justify persecution.

Myanmar's Election: The 'Real Burmese' Dilemma
By Courtney Weatherby
A bias for "real Burmese" candidates (and against minorities) threatens the legitimacy of Myanmar's upcoming election.
Myanmar’s ‘Mad Monk’ Strikes Again
By Mong Palatino
Radical monk draws ire at home and abroad for insulting a U.N. envoy.

Religious Extremists Target Myanmar Film Festival
By Mong Palatino
Organizers withdraw a documentary about a friendship between a Buddhist and a Muslim following threats.

Cracks Appear in US Myanmar Rapprochement
By Steve Hirsch
New legislation signals growing concern over the Obama administration’s Myanmar policy.

In Myanmar It’s Free Beer But No TIME
Amid religious violence, a tour company is giving away free beer to lure visitors out in the rainy season.
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