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 Protests Sweep Through ASEAN

Protests Sweep Through ASEAN

November saw protests in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Burma, and may be a harbinger of things to come.

Burma's Football 'Embrace'

Burma's Football 'Embrace'

As the world’s headlines turned to reforms in Burma, the nation is also branching out into the world of sports.

Burma: The Promise and Peril

Burma: The Promise and Peril

While various reforms seem to have made Burma a hot destination for investment, many challenges remain.

Time to Cool Burma’s Rapprochement

Time to Cool Burma’s Rapprochement

With Burma’s many internal problems, are business and global leaders ignoring issues of grave concern?

Burma’s Children in Arms

Burma’s Children in Arms

Child soldiers are alarmingly common in Burma. But a number of international programs are finding creative ways to dismantle the practice.

Burma's Reforms: Window Dressing or Reality?

Burma's Reforms: Window Dressing or Reality?

While reforms are moving forward with political prisoners being released, much progress needs to be made.

Thein's One Term Pledge

Thein's One Term Pledge

Thein Sein restates an important pledge that could shape Burma’s future.

Backsliding in Burma and Malaysia?

Backsliding in Burma and Malaysia?

Troubling signs call into question recent reforms in Burma and Malaysia. Luke Hunt explains.

Suu Kyi & the Contradictions of State

Suu Kyi & the Contradictions of State

As her recent tour of Europe makes clear, Aung San Suu Kyi remains popular. But two of Burma’s ethnic minority groups are wondering if her caution amounts to betrayal.

Can Burma's Military Let Go?

Despite the groundbreaking by-election in Burma at the weekend, don’t expect the Army to give much away.

Aung San Suu Kyi Sweeps to Win

Aung San Suu Kyi Sweeps to Win

Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy look to have scored key victories in by-elections in Burma on Sunday.

Don’t Forget the Children in Burma

Don’t Forget the Children in Burma

The government in Burma appears to be making some progress on human rights. Hillary Clinton should take the chance to press it over the country’s forgotten minority children.

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